The wasini community marine conservation reef is a project run by the community as way of benefiting from the scores of tourists who visit the area, especially to its biggest competitor Kisite marine park
This beautiful reef is a Paradise on earth that is unknown by many People. It Is Located Just Next To Wasini Island. There Is An Attractive Under Water Magic Small Reef Preserved By The Community. Involving the community in conservation also brings about responsibility and sustainability.
The reef measures about 4kmsq where new corals are grown. One can go for snorkeling to enjoy the colorful fish and the beautiful corals. It is a 20min boat drive from Shimoni.
The project is run by the Wasini Local people, as a community project to bring income to the community in wasini and shimoni area.
The wasini community marine conservation reef is the foundation of fisheries co-management and is a community-based organization that brings together everyone involved in fisheries at the beach – boat owners, boat crew, traders, processors, boat builders and repairers, net repairers and others – to work with government and other stakeholders in managing fisheries resources and improving the livelihoods of the community members.
The unit set up a Marine Conservation Area around a coral reef north of the island.
Fishing & anchoring is forbidden in this area to protect the living reef. Snorkeling is allowed and it is a great alternative to the much pricier Mpunguti Kisite National Park.
A small entrance fee is charged and all proceeds go to village welfare projects.